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2000s anime/manga

  1. kevin234

    Aotuverse||Best Anime game

    Have you heard of Aotuverse? They are the 2nd most-viewed chinese anime on bilibili, and they have a playable game in China that will be released globally and integrated with P2E, also the sneak peeks of the art so far is amazing. Check this game on Youtube:
  2. pokedigijedi

    K-on Discussion Thread

    This one is a guilty pleasure for me do to how quirky it is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/K-On! The K-on girls are all enjoyable, though I am not much of a fan of Ritsu (she just bugs me the wrong way), though they are also all quirky as all heck. Mio is my favorite character from the show, do...
  3. pokedigijedi

    Azumaga Daioh Discussion Thread

    Here's a good old fashion Anime and Manga: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Azumanga_Daioh A fun show, slice-of-life comedy series it isn't a long series but its thoroughly enjoyable. The characters are all lovable to some more so than others, and its easy to get into. Just to mention a few in...