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ai turo

  1. Blackjack Gabbiani

    Gakutensoku: All Together Now

    First, this fic is a followup to Safe Passage so you *may* want to read that first. Also, Juliana is nonbinary because I said so. "I'm not sure how much I can explain right now," Arven murmured, not directly looking at the phone before him, "but I'm going to need some costume stuff. And...
  2. Blackjack Gabbiani

    Gakutensoku: Safe Passage

    /I want...to go back. You can help me with that, can't you?/ /I want to see him again. To tell him what I couldn't say before. Please, grant me that!/ /I know that I cannot return here. That does not matter to me. This era holds nothing else for me. Please.../ /...Thank you...Beyond anything...
  3. Blackjack Gabbiani

    The Future Between Us (Arven fic, SV spoilers)

    Summary: Arven couldn't do much against the Paradise Protection Protocol, or the Guardian. But he could fix his father's biggest mistake. There will be ten chapters in total so don't miss them! Zero Lab was as still and quiet as Arven had left it, only the sounds of his steps across the...