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alola league

  1. KirliaToon50

    What if scenario: Ash loses the Alola league?

    how would it change the timeline if Ash loses the alola league? would Journeys be back to XY Animation style, Would Gloria be introduced with allister being Gym leader following Ash Ketchum? how about Ash still following PWC but with Characters from Galar? would it still allow for Fillers? This...
  2. Genaller

    Will Ash Use Reserves In The Alola League? Poll Tally!

    Fairly straightforward question. Just to be clear “reserves” mean the Pokémon Ash has caught in precious regions whom Ash can still call on if needed. Note that the options “will” and “won’t” refer to whether you think it’s likely or not for Ash to use reserves this saga given the information we...