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an anime character wins somehow

  1. Eternalfalcon

    What do you think would happen if ash won the sun and moon League

    I wanna know what you think will happen if ash won the sun and moon League what would his next step would be to coming a pokemon master or do you think we will no longer see him in the anime if he wins I think he'll try to catch every pokemon after all gotta catch em all
  2. keepitsimple

    States of U.S.A Face-Off (20 Minute Cooldown)

    I'll give this one another try. It got a lot of posts back in the day So basically this is a face-off between all of the United States as the title says. There won't be a cooldown unless it turns out we need one. Round 1: 10 states will face off each time. Everyone will downvote a state and...