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  1. e6life

    Vivillon Forms in Rare Balls

    Hey, all. So, I recently restarted my old Moon game after setting an extra 3DS to another region. The game is set now as Saudi Arabian, so I hope to breed Sandstorm Scatterbugs once I reach that point. The reason for posting this is, first, if anyone knows this won't work, let me know (and I'm...
  2. Rahus

    ♡A Lovely Place♡ CLOSED

    ♡A Lovely Place♡ ----- *Introduction* 'ello! My goal for this thread is to try and collect Love Balls through trading. I'm after mainly Love Balls, but I am also after Pokemon in Love Balls, as well as Legendary Pokemon and Mints! I'm a Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Home player, and my IGN in both...
  3. ohjeezitskim

    LF: Swanna, Whirlipede, ect for living dex || FT: Apri/Bank ball mons

    I'm looking for these pokemon (that we would have to trade within Pokemon Home besides one) Swanna, Whirlipede, Zebstrika, Chingling, Cherubi, Wormadam, Kriketot I have a spreadsheet of all my bankball mons. I will have to breed almost all of them as requested except for some spares that I get...
  4. ohjeezitskim

    LF: Zamazenta w/ sword, 4IV+ Non-English Ditto, Masterballs, Mints

    I'm looking to complete my living dex and have a good Ditto for breeding! (mints: Jolly, adamant, modest, timid) FOR TRADE Note: I may not answer right away, I get distracted easily & go to bed early lol
  5. Amethyste

    Amethyste's Little Breeding Corner [IVs, Aprimons, Hidden Abilities, Egg moves]

    Welcome to my Little Breeding Corner! INFO I'll be way less active now due to my vacation being over. Please be patient with the trades, going to add a trading list now for convenience. All my breeds are german. All my breeds in the Available section can be either competitive (=perfect IV...
  6. D

    LF: HA pokemons Ft: over 100 HA pokemons

    I am specially interested in moxie heracross, speed boost sharpedo, A-vulpix, mareanie, vulpix, corphish, and unburden max speed and sp atack IV accelgor. FT: (just letme breed them) Statters: Squirtle Bulbasaur Totodile Cyndaquil Treecko Torchic Chimchar Snivy Tepig Fennekin Froakie Popplio...