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  1. e6life

    LF: BDSP Exclusive Apricorn Pokémon

    Here's a short list of Pokémon now available in Apricorn balls since BDSP's release, and what balls I have them in at the moment: - Skitty: Fast, Love, Moon - Illumise/Volbeat: Heavy, Level, Lure, Moon - Cacnea: Fast, Friend, Heavy, Love, Lure - Zangoose: Level, Love, Lure, Moon - Seviper...
  2. e6life

    Vivillon Forms in Rare Balls

    Hey, all. So, I recently restarted my old Moon game after setting an extra 3DS to another region. The game is set now as Saudi Arabian, so I hope to breed Sandstorm Scatterbugs once I reach that point. The reason for posting this is, first, if anyone knows this won't work, let me know (and I'm...
  3. ohjeezitskim

    Alola Starters in Rare Balls

    LF: Friend/Safari ball HA Rowlet Dive/Beast HA Popplio Apricorn balls, safari balls FT: Litten (ALL HA) Premier, Luxury, Moon, Level Rowlet (HA) Luxury, Nest (Non-HA) Dive Popplio (HA) Lure, Luxury (Non-HA) Dive, Beast About 150 other rare ball mons, will send list if interested...
  4. Ghost94

    FT: G-Max, Apricorns, HA, Mints, Shiny

    For Trade: Open to offers.
  5. S

    LF: Reuniclus line in Moon Ball or Moon Ball itself FT: Various HAs and others

    I'm looking for Solosis/Duosis/Reuniclus in a Moon Ball, any IVs are fine or a Moon Ball itself. I can offer: HA Indeedee, HA Goomy in a Love Ball, HA Clobbopus in a Heavy Ball, HA Corsola in a Love Ball, HA Snorunt in a Moon Ball, HA Rookidee, Gigantimax Corviknight or a 5 IV Mimikyuu in a...