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ash & misty

  1. SerGoldenhandtheJust

    How do you feel about the Orange Islands arc?

    Orange Islands, a major arc in the anime that many tend to dismiss as a 'filler' arc and dont really talk about much. For me personally, Orange Islands is my fav part of the entire OS series Easily the best in my eyes. Dont get me wrong, I love the humor of Kanto episodes but the writing for...
  2. pacman000

    PokeShipping (Ash x Misty)

    Credit: https://serebii.net/anime/pictures/indigo/020ps12.shtml PokeShipping - Ash & Misty as a couple. I saw the old thread died, & that made me sad. Perhaps it's been too long since the first series. Nevertheless, I think there's still enough to talk about, so here's a new thread. I'll...