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  1. D

    Need a shiny buneary for swsh

    I know it's to much to ask, but can I someone trade a shiny female buneary with me? I have 2 gmax alcreamies, all you have to do is catch it in a heal ball and name it Ochaco, like the character from my hero academia. Please if anyone sees this and wants to trade with me please do, I dont have...
  2. NebulaDreams

    A Lizard in the Garden (TCATS One-Shot)

    Hello! I decided to bash out a quick 2k word story based on an idea I had about a couple of the side characters in The Curious and the Shiny! I thought I'd post it separately from that thread since it focuses on a minor character that's very non-essential to the story. Reading TCATS beforehand...
  3. 0

    Explorers of Destruction: Volume 1

    Chapter 1 A riolu walked up to the job board, eyeing a small handful of requests pinned to its dull, wooden surface. It became a daily routine for Oran the riolu: Everyday after training, he looked for something challenging, something to get his blood flowing. By the time he...