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  1. keepitsimple

    Pokemon Anime Face-Off V (2 Hour Cooldown)

    Welcome to the fifth installment of the Pokemon Anime Face-Off! I mean I likely won't keep this open for very long, but welcome anyway! Currently: English dub opening songs [Click Here For Rules] Next: Ash's Unova Pokemon This is a thread where Face-Offs related to the Pokemon anime will be...
  2. Dragalge

    Favorite iteration of Team Rocket

    Title says it all! I don’t expect a bunch of paragraphs but put a little thought in your response if you can! OS remains my favorite to this day due to their Pokémon and some of the episodes that focused on them (Victreebel and Arbok being some favorites) but I’ll give BW credit for Operation...
  3. Dragalge

    Alolan Pokemon Face-Off

    This face-off is about the Pokemon in Alola (both new Pokemon and Alolan Forms). The format is hurt-heal meaning you increase a Pokemon you like by one and decrease a Pokemon you dislike by one. Some rounds might have a theme while others will probably be randomly selected Pokemon lol. Just...