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  1. TokoyamiTheDark

    Rate the "ruined childhood" moments from the above user

    That game is simple. You have to rate the above user's "ruined childhood" moment and post a moment that ruined yours. They can be from comics, video games, Anime, etc... I'll start with my top 1... 1 - Digimon (Child abuse) Episode 48 originally aired on Fox Kids WITHOUT ANY CENSORSHIP on...
  2. xXZ380 D43M0NXx

    What is Pokemon to you..?

    Alright... I've been thinking a lot lately. Pokemon has always held such a special place in my heart for... well as long as I can remember. I find myself looking around the community today... and I can't help but to feel proud of what I see. So, I'd like to ask you guys an important question...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    Silly things you thought or believed when you were a kid

    When we were kids, we didn't know much about the world or how it worked. We invented a lot of beliefs that we hung onto until we inevitably grew up and wised up. However, it's fun to revisit those childhood beliefs and laugh or cringe at them. So did you have any silly childhood theories...