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  1. Emboar_Rulez

    What did you all get for Christmas this year(2019)

    This year I got the new Star Wars fallen order game and a few other things
  2. NovaBrunswick

    Favourite Christmas Movies?

    'Tis the season to be jolly - and watch a Christmas movie or two. What are your festive favourites? Mine are: The Muppet Christmas Carol Pretty much any version of A Christmas Carol How the Grinch Stole Christmas Mickey's Magical Christmas: Snowed in at the House of Mouse The Snowman Father...
  3. Emboar_Rulez

    Favorite Christmas Movie

    Hey guys whats your favorite Christmas movie of all time?
  4. NovaBrunswick

    Do you hate it when Christmas starts early?

    Every year, Christmas seems to start earlier and earlier. This year, I saw Christmas stuff in the shops as early as September, and even alongside all the Halloween costumes and treats. I think that’s way too early! Do you think so too, or do you like to buy them several months in advance so...
  5. NovaBrunswick

    What did you get for Christmas? (2018)

    Simple - what gifts did you get for Christmas, and if what you got was different to what you actually wanted, what did you actually want? I got: A box of Crayola crayons A purple folder A block of paper Warm pyjamas A pair of sandals A marker pen Silver alphabet stickers However, I ideally...
  6. NebulaDreams

    Deli's Delivery Service: Extended Cut (One-Shot)

    Hello! This is an updated version of Deli's Delivery Service with expanded story content, tweaked character elements and tighter prose. I initially wrote this for the Christmas season last year, when the Yuletide fic trade was going on last, although I didn't participate in that one. I was...