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  1. SoulPKMN

    Zen Mode Galarian Darmanitan Teammates?

    Any ideas on what Pokes would go well with Zen Mode Darmanitan in Solo Queue? What have you seen work well with it?
  2. GiraffeFactory

    LF: Galarian Darmanitan

    Hey everyone, I am currently looking for a Galarian Darmanitan for the purpose of passing down egg moves; it would be ideal if the Darmanitan already had Belly Drum and Icicle Crash on it but this isn't necessary at all. I can try and nab any Shield exclusives in my game to trade! Thank you so...
  3. RoyalXIII

    LF: Galarian Darumaka/Darmanitan w/HA. TF: Gigantamax Sandaconda HA

    Looking for either Galarian Darumaka or Galarian Darmanitan with it's Hidden Ability, female if possible! Offering a Gigantamax Sandaconda with it's Hidden Ability. Lv.40, I have one that's Modest & one that's Lax.