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  1. BoyFromBelgium99

    Ban from Serebii.net Discord Server

    Hello people, I'm BoyFromBelgium99. Some time in the past, I was part of the Discord Server of Serebii.net. I chatted a lot in the server and made some trades to complete my pokédex of SwSh. I traded a Toxicroak for someone's Melmetal, which was very important to him. Sadly there went...
  2. Mega Ampharos the Dragon

    Banned from Discord

    Hello, I've been banned from Discord. I'm just wondering when the ban will be undone. My Info is: Discord name: MegaAmpharostheDragon#5436 Reasoning for ban: Asking for personal info (kinda accidentally) Person who banned me: I think it was Devonis One more thing: I have High-Functioning...
  3. B

    Banned from Discord

    I got banned from the discord server and I don’t know why, my name is JinKazuu [SW-7245-1591-3716]#0078 and can I know when I’ll be unbanned and what I did to get banned. The only thing I last remember doing was a trade for Hacked Pokemon/ Duplicated Pokemon for SwSh