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discord ban

  1. F

    Will i ever be allowed to join the Serebii discord server again?

    hey so back in 2021 i said something, that got me banned but over time i changed and improved my username is xX_darkghoul168_Xx#5795
  2. D

    Discord Ban Appeal

    I was banned on discord roughly a year, maybe even two years ago. Username is Daxay #4047. I had posted something along the lines of "LF *some shiny or event* FT any shiny pokemon." An admin messaged me saying to be more specific as to what shiny I was offering. I have a full (and legit) shiny...
  3. Mudkip&Chinchou

    I’m Mudkip6286 on Discord

    I had recently asked a question about if it was ok for you to give someone’s address to the police, especially if they didn’t commit a crime. I had gotten banned without warning. i had been asking questions about police quite a bit lately on the discord because I had done something very dumb a...
  4. BoyFromBelgium99

    I can't access Serebii Discord

    Hello pokémon fans, I'm new here. I don't know why but for some reason I can't get access to the Serebii Discord server. I can go on Discord's other servers like from twitch and youtube streamers. For some time I thought about this being a bug but now it's over a couple of months. Can it be I am...
  5. S

    Discord ban appeal

    Hello! I am user Sippy#9744 I've been banned on the serebii discord for making a trade that was FT: PCNY shiny johto starters. I first did not know what the problem was with it and asked a trader and friend of mine what happend and if he could get me in touch of the situation. (Been kind of a...