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  1. NovaBrunswick

    Pokémon dreams

    With a game like Pokémon, it will inevitably pop up in your dreams sooner or later. (This effect actually has a name; it's called the "Tetris Effect".) Over the years, I've had quite a few Pokémon-related dreams, but these are the ones which I remember most: Before Sword/Shield came out and...
  2. NeedsAName

    Pokémon Dreams

    Who here has had dreams about Pokémon? I'm currently sick from now and feeling super weird, and just woke up from a dream in which þere was an ad for a new spin-off Pokémon game pretty similar to Animal Crossing, where you go about a town populated by sentient somewhat anþropomorphized Pokémon...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    Weirdest dreams you've ever had

    We all have dreams, whether good or bad. This thread is for the weirdest dreams you might've had - they can be the good kind of weird, or the bad kind of weird. Here's some of the strangest dreams I've had: Being chased by a giant lizard. Being chased by sheep. Thinking I've woken up, but...