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  1. Mismage

    Pokémon Friend Wanted!

    Hello, I'm just looking for people who likes training and battling to battle with, friends stuff. Feel free to answer this or send DM, as you please. Best regards
  2. EmberFireTrainer

    What areas of your social life are important to you

    What are the areas of your social life that are really important to you? By that I mean the social groups like family, friends, church, school, work, etc. I would say for me, family, school, and friends are the ones that are important to me. Family because it is probably my strongest social...
  3. Fox Lady Kita

    Returnee here hoping to make new friends? Maybe?

    Hello everyone! I've been on here before, but I felt like it was time to come back. Been a while. The forums changed a lot since I was on here last. And I wanted to make some new friends! None of my siblings are into Pokemon as much as I am and It's so sad. So I was hoping I could make some on...