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galar dex

  1. ImBeVillain

    List of Galar Pokemon (ALL - )

    I know there is such a list, but I want to do it separately and in a different way to present the entire generation 8 Pokédex list to find out how many more Pokémon are left. I believe that this list of pokemon is needed for some viewers to facilitate what was debuted and what is left. So I...
  2. L

    I have Pokemon sword looking for trading help!?!?

    I currently have Pokemon sword and I am about 23 away from completing the Galar dex I was hoping that there would be someone who can help by trading the remaining ones and help trading I can also help in return
  3. DragonScale

    What Pokemon would you add to the Galar pokedex?

    Rules No Starter Pokemon (except the Bulbasaur and Squirtle lines), Fossils or Legendaries/Mythicals/Ultra Beasts from past gens You can buff said pokemon you're bring back if you want to like giving it a new ability and move they would've benefit from I would add (and buff) the following...
  4. O

    Boomers Breeders Paradise, Taking Orders for 5IV competetive Pokes (Updated as of 2020-01-26)

    Hi folks, in addtition to my thread I offer as of today: Looking for: - Any Apri+Poke Combo preferably with HA I dont own yet - Apricorn-, Dream-, Master and Beast Balls - relevant Mints Services I offer: - Breeding 0 Attack/Speed IV Pokemons - Put any EMs on my Pokes - Breeding...
  5. JVG

    Pokémon only available through evolution? (Cannot be caught in wild)

    Basically the title. For all of the living dex-ers out there, it would really help to know which Pokémon cannot be easily caught through finding them in the wild. While leveling up in this game isn't super difficult, I've always found it easier in past games to simply catch already evolved...
  6. DragonScale

    The most likely remaining pokemon for the Galar regional dex

    https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/galarpokedex.shtml They're like because A) They fit the region and make sense B) They're a counterpart of a already confirmed pokemon C) They're a fan-favorite D) The species said pokemon is based on is native to europe, let alone, UK Venusaur Blastoise...