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generation 1

  1. Rbypc

    Gen 1: How many Pokemon Best Brock on Minimum Battles?

    This is a challenge I am working on on my YouTube Channel. Just curious for consensus, how many of the original 151 do you think could beat Brock on Minimum Battles? How many do you think could beat him on 0DVs in all stats? I already tested all 151 with Max DVs in Yellow on my channel and...
  2. P

    The Pokemon Questions Thread Again!

    ** The Pokemon Questions Thread! ** http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk61/Profesco/SPPf%20funnies/Jigglypufflol.jpg If you have a question about Pokemon, bring it here! Really, any questions at all - if you're looking for a quick answer, this is the place. Do not make a...
  3. M.A.C.H

    Original Generation 1 (Shiny) Sprites

    Not too sure why I decided to do this maybe nostalgia, Japanese Blue and international Red/Blue Shiny Pokemon Sprites including shiny Missingno :D:D
  4. Alex Potter

    Cross-Generations Nuzlocke Challenge

    I just recently completed a Nuzlocke challenge on Pokemon Yellow for the 3DS-VC. It got me wondering, how difficult would it be to carry over Pokemon across all 7 generations for a grand challenge? Three key obstacles came to mind as I delved further into this train of thought: 1.) How...