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  1. NovaBrunswick

    If Alola had Gyms...

    So we all know Alola doesn't have Gyms, but if they did, what do you think they'd look like, and what would the Gym Leaders' teams be? (I sort of headcanon that the Trial Captains would become Gym Leaders.) Ilima's gym could be the Trainers' School, a la Cheren in B2/W2. His team could be...
  2. NovaBrunswick

    Hardest Gym Leaders and battles

    Throughout the Pokémon series of games, there are some Gym Leaders who are not pushovers. How many times have you thought victory was within your reach, only to get blacked out by a powerful move from the Gym Leader's Pokémon? Here are some of the most infamous Gym Leaders that have given us...