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hidden abilities

  1. Z

    LF: Meltan, Melmetal, & Some HAs; FT: Some legendaries & other HAs

    I'm very close to completing both a living-dex and a collection of every breedable pokemon with its Hidden Ability. I've only got a few more to go in this case, and since they're kinda tough ones to get, figured I'd ask about getting them here. First off, looking for Meltan & Melmetal. They're...
  2. K

    Regional HA + Other Ball Forms are Breedable

    I'm posting this as a friend told me it was listed Meowth-K HA was unavailable, this isn't true. You're able to breed HA Female Galarian Meowth with Male Kantonian Meowth (via ingame trade, the one you get is Female, but as we know from USUM giving a Regional Form an Everstone breeds down the...