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  • Be sure to join the discussion on our discord at: Discord.gg/serebii
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  1. kamomesan

    Reminiscing on Pokemon's culture of rumor

    As a child, I was a member of a small group of dedicated Pokenerds at my elementary school. Although we all had internet access, I still remember our discussions of the games still were mainly word-of-mouth playground rumors. For whatever reason, I managed to convince my friends that you could...
  2. P

    The Pokemon Questions Thread Again!

    ** The Pokemon Questions Thread! ** http://i277.photobucket.com/albums/kk61/Profesco/SPPf%20funnies/Jigglypufflol.jpg If you have a question about Pokemon, bring it here! Really, any questions at all - if you're looking for a quick answer, this is the place. Do not make a...
  3. Venia Silente

    Forever Catch (a celebratory two-shot)

    Hello fellows from Serebii whom I have not seen in a while. It feels good to get to publish something in this nice day of Aug 19, or 20 depending on timezones, evil as they may be. Why this day? Well, on August 19 the world celebrates the International Day of Photography, which is not about...