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  1. J

    Meu riolu não quer evoluir mais

    Eu estou treinando um riolu..ele quis evoluir no nível 14..mas esperei pra registrar ele ..só a opção de evoluir sumiu ..oq aconteceu ? Ajuda!
  2. silv3rsolstic3

    Legends: Arceus Shinies (not really spoiler)

    hi there, everyone! I've heard that it's pretty easy to find shinies in the game because there are many ways to raise your odds and all shinies show in the overworld. so: here it is. how many of you have found a shiny thus far? (sorry if someone's already done this. i'm very curious and have not...
  3. Omega_will

    PvP in PLA

    I love this game and all but really, a pokemon game where there's no PVP is just so disappointing in my opinion, having to use all these pokemon that you find along the way and you cant compete with your friends. the more I think about there are no multiplayer options anywhere and I feel like...
  4. V

    Need help catching abra!

    Whenever I try to catch Abra, it keeps running away from me! Is there any easier way to get it?