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lf darkrai

  1. R

    LF Hoopa or Darkrai, FT SW Melmetal, US/UM Keldeo, Genesect, Shiny Palkia, Shiny Dialga

    I missed the Zeraora event and would like one to fill out my dex. I have a lvl 81 Melmetal for trade with a neutral nature, but am able to change the nature and hyper train if required. Additionally, I am seeking a non-nicknamed Darkrai of any level. I have Ultra Sun legendaries and mythicals...
  2. R

    LF Zeraora or Darkrai. FT Naganadel, Pokerus Reshiram, Pokerus Kyurem, or request

    Hello! I have 6 more Pokémon to collect to finish my national dex and all of the ones I’m missing are mythical. I am actively seeking ANY iv Darkrai or Zeraora as those are the two I like the most and have never had before. Not looking for competitive, just completion. For trade, I have two...