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  1. Rahus

    ♡A Lovely Place♡ CLOSED

    ♡A Lovely Place♡ ----- *Introduction* 'ello! My goal for this thread is to try and collect Love Balls through trading. I'm after mainly Love Balls, but I am also after Pokemon in Love Balls, as well as Legendary Pokemon and Mints! I'm a Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Home player, and my IGN in both...
  2. V-TIMe

    Evolving Sweets (strawberry, love, star, clover, berry, ribbon and flower)

    Hey all, Is there an easier way to obtain the sweets? I am battling in the café now (with the dayskip exploit), but I only get straberries so far XD. Is there maybe a pattern or something on what day you get which sweet? (much like the weather in the Wild Area?)