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  1. Blackjack Gabbiani

    Gakutensoku: All Together Now

    First, this fic is a followup to Safe Passage so you *may* want to read that first. Also, Juliana is nonbinary because I said so. "I'm not sure how much I can explain right now," Arven murmured, not directly looking at the phone before him, "but I'm going to need some costume stuff. And...
  2. Blackjack Gabbiani

    Gakutensoku: Safe Passage

    /I want...to go back. You can help me with that, can't you?/ /I want to see him again. To tell him what I couldn't say before. Please, grant me that!/ /I know that I cannot return here. That does not matter to me. This era holds nothing else for me. Please.../ /...Thank you...Beyond anything...