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  1. GoldenLegend

    What memories has Pokemon created in your life?

    I want to know what Pokémon meant to the people who grew up with it? What kind of friendships did you make along the way? Where did your journey take you? Did it ever help you through anything? The reason why I ask is because of recent events in my life. My cousin and I were both children...
  2. Emboar_Rulez

    Mimikyu help+others

    Hey does anyone have a Mimikyu that they could trade me?Let me know what you would like in return.
  3. S

    LF: Reuniclus line in Moon Ball or Moon Ball itself FT: Various HAs and others

    I'm looking for Solosis/Duosis/Reuniclus in a Moon Ball, any IVs are fine or a Moon Ball itself. I can offer: HA Indeedee, HA Goomy in a Love Ball, HA Clobbopus in a Heavy Ball, HA Corsola in a Love Ball, HA Snorunt in a Moon Ball, HA Rookidee, Gigantimax Corviknight or a 5 IV Mimikyuu in a...
  4. D

    Seeking Mimikyu

    Hey everyone. Seeking a Mimikyu either as is or an egg. Just looking to get one for my party before completing the game. Any help would be awesome. Thanks!!