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  1. deerest_love

    The Verdant Ones [Original]

    The Verdant Ones Ren occupies a coyote's body, but he's never felt like one. A young Coyote winced at the crunch of bone between his teeth, but at least the squirrel died quickly. Buckbrush and manzanita snagged on his fur as he retraced his steps through the sparse chaparral, trying not to...
  2. unrepentantAuthor

    Dispatch Deferred [One-shot, Everyone, PMD]

    Hi there, this is my cute short story originally written for the Bulbagarden Summer 2019 Oneshot comp about an expedited same-century amazon delivery, I hope you'll enjoy reading it. Content: homebrew PMD setting, multiple OC viewpoints, 6,200 words. Extremely mild swearing, light fantasy...
  3. NebulaDreams

    Outside the Frame (One-Shot) [FOLLOW-UP INCOMING]

    Author’s Notes: Hey, Neb here! I’m pleased to bring you all a brand new one-shot, that serves as a standalone from the main story of TCATS, but still takes place in that universe, with some cameos at the end. If it hasn’t become apparent yet, this story was inspired by the chatlog format...
  4. AmericanPi

    The Bells (one-shot for 2018 Serebii Holiday Fanfic Gift Exchange; PG/K+)

    "The Bells" A one-shot By AmericanPi It's so cold. You would think a Mawile like me wouldn't be able to feel cold. That's a lie. Sure, the expression "cold as steel" carries some truth to it, but just because Steel-types are made of metal doesn't mean that they are completely unaffected by...