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  1. matt0044

    Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter 2 - Forest For The Trees

    Sequel to: https://forums.serebii.net/threads/pokemon-heroes-the-black-white-chapter-one-all-ages.733100/ Chapter 1: Scare In The Air ['Wouldn't miss it for the world' I said,] Pidove bemoaned to himself with every frantic flap of his wings. ['Even I'd never forget it,' I said!] The Tiny...
  2. matt0044

    Pokemon Heroes: The Black & White Chapter One (All Ages)

    Pokemon and Trainer alike start their story off on a rough patch. Things can only go up from here... hopefully. Chapter 1: The Start of Something Big Despite his best efforts, Oshawott felt pins and needles all over when he stepped forward from Professor Aurea Juniper and onto the...
  3. SGMijumaru

    Astral Genealogy [Pokémon Fanfiction]

    Astral Genealogy [Pokémon Fanfiction] Hi there everyone. I'm SGMijumaru - I doubt people have seen or heard of me elsewhere, but I'm practicing to be a writer with pokemon fanfics. I've been uploading on another site for a long while and decided to start sharing the goodies here for the extra...