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  1. Mega Ampharos the Dragon

    Which Paldea Starter do you think fits Serena the most?

    Keep in mind their final evolutions as well (and even their mid-evo if you want)
  2. NovaBrunswick

    Favorite Paldea Gym Leader? (SPOILERS)

    WARNING: SPOILERS AHEAD Who is your favorite Gym Leader out of the Paldean roster? These are mine:
  3. SerGoldenhandtheJust

    Should the Paldean anime feature multiple companions like SM?

    Hear me out Just like how SM had multiple companions for Ash, Kiawe Lillie Mallow Lana and Sophs I think the Paldean anime should have Goh, Chloe, Arven, Penny and Nemona as his companions For one, I feel Chloe and Goh have so much more potental and id like it to happen, and each of those three...