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  1. Mega Ampharos the Dragon

    Who would control/watch over parallel universes? Dialga or Palkia?

    I've been wondering about this question for a bit due to how parallel universes are kind of weird when it comes to space/time I've always thought Palkia would control it, but apparently, there are all these parallel universe time theories, so I keep questioning whether it is Dialga or Palkia
  2. C

    How many software resets do you have to do in order to get a shiny Palkia in Pokémon Shining Pearl?

    I have put in over 24 hours of game play into Pokémon Shining Pearl on the Switch and I still haven't encountered a single shiny. I am currently software reseting to hopefully get a shiny Palkia. I am on attempt 550 lol. How many software resets did it take other people to get a shiny Palkia...
  3. Y

    LF yveltal and palkia adventure raids

    Hi! I'm looking for yveltal and palkia's routes. Can someone help me? Thanks in advance :)
  4. Y

    LF adventure raids

    Hi! I'm looking for latias and palkia raids. In return, I can help with sword-exclusive legendaries. PM me if you're interested.
  5. Y

    LF latias and palkia adventure raids

    Hi! I'm looking for latias and palkia raids. In return, I can help with sword-exclusive legendaries. PM me if you're interested.