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  1. ImBeVillain

    Some fans still complain and hate something.

    I just figured out that there were reasons to hate each series. I started watching Pokemon in 2019, of course from the Original Series, then I continued. Reasons to hate: AG: May and Harley D&P: probably Ash and Paul (I didn't like Paul myself, but now i want his comeback - especially for...
  2. ImBeVillain

    Gen VIII Pokemon for Ash - voting list

    I made a second voting list, this time it's for the Pokémon of the current generation. I didn't add basic and first stage pokemon so I didn't want to add too much, so I made only fully evolved pokemon instead. If a Pokemon is missing from the list that you would like to vote for, write comments...
  3. ImBeVillain

    Old gen pokemon for Ash - voting list

    This is my first voting list, first I'd like to know which Pokemon has the best chance at Ash's hand. First, I made a list of a few pokemons that in my opinion are more likely to be with Ash, but these are only from older generations (from Johto to Alola). Close vote will after 10 days. I will...
  4. Namohysip

    The Great Dunsparce Apocalypse

    A potato farmer gets caught up in a battle between gods. This work is rated T for some mild to moderate violence. The Great Dunsparce Apocalypse “I’ve found her!” Her triumphant cry startled the many little, glowing spheres that lingered in the air. She slithered past a few blue leaves...
  5. Donna Baines

    Pokemon Bookcraft Collection: Mightyena from Bhreatain Bheag.

    Pokemon Bookcraft Collection: Mightyena from Bhreatain Bheag. A tale found in the annals of the timeworn Bhreatain castle, written by the greatest writer that ever was. In the first day of March, the year of which I have no desire to call to mind, there were born not long since eleven and one...