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pokedex entries

  1. NovaBrunswick

    Are Pokédex entries exaggerated?

    The Pokédex contains many seemingly unbelievable "facts" about Pokémon, such as Magcargo being hotter than the surface of the sun, Arcanine being able to run 6,200 miles in a day without stopping, and Raichu being able to knock out an Indian elephant with its Electric attacks. It's likely that...
  2. manaphysuki

    pokedex entries help

    does anyone have ideas for pokedex entries for some of my fakemon?... the one's that have names so far, i mean :3 the grass type starter 001 - kupup grass type https://www.deviantart.com/akarifan25/art/001-kupup-grass-starter-770645182 002 - amaranpy grass type...