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pokemon go

  1. 6v6 Pokemon Go

    6v6 Pokemon Go Online Tournaments

    Rules: Choose 6 Pokemon and battle 2-3 rounds. The first player to knockout all 6 of his opponents pokemon wins the match. Any pokemon that doesnt get knocked out in the 1st round can be used again in the 2nd or 3rd round $20 Tournaments starting 6/2/22. Free Entry. Tournament winners have to...
  2. 6v6 Pokemon Go

    6v6 Pokemon Go Online Tournament

    Rules: Choose 6 Pokemon and battle 2-3 rounds. The first player to knockout all 6 of his opponents pokemon wins the match. Any pokemon that doesnt get knocked out in the 1st round can be used again in the 2nd or 3rd round $20 Tournaments coming soon. Free Entry. Tournament winners have to face...
  3. P

    Pokestop submission

    I just need 1 information regarding Pokestop submission in Pokemon Go. How many days does it take to display Pokestops in game after those are approved? I have a Pokestop submission approved on 22 March. So till when can I see that in game? Any particular days limit trend to display or within...
  4. G

    How to play GO in a rural town?

    Like the title says! I have no idea how to level up when there's not too much around me. :/
  5. Sugarpuff48

    Is incense working for everyone?

    I don't know if this is me not using incense properly, or some recent update has caused the issue, but every time I decide to use an incense I end up not seeing any incense spawned pokemon. I'm not activating it in the middle of who knows where, but in the centre of town; just to maximise the...
  6. G

    Reasons why Serebii members should not catch Lucario

    1. Its weak asf 2. Has terrible stats and movepool 3. Garchomp kicks its as 4. It lost against a Weedle and a Spinarak 5. Furries are attracted to the community (furries are cringe) 6. Design is a cheap knockoff to the egypt dog 7. Stole a country name (which is Cario) 8. Worse than Bidoof 9...
  7. X

    Pokeball w. Mew question

    ((I searched everywhere and couldn't find this question. I'm hoping someone could give me maybe a little insight. Thank you for your time!)) We know that if we pre-order the pokeball for Let's Go, there will be a Mew inside. I'm under the impression that the pokeball will be able to connect to...
  8. N

    Error- No pokemon spawns, no raid battles.

    Anyone else having an error where they are having no pokemon spawn (except in the first 30 sec's of logging in). Also No raid battles showing. (which has completely stalled my research). I have reported these errors but I'm getting no reply's and no help. I've uninstalled, reinstalled. I'm...