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  1. AllOfAshmon

    Pokemon Anime Gen 9 predictions

    Based on the new trailer for S&V and school setting, how would gen 9 anime goes if Ash still stays on the protagonist, here is my predictions for the anime - Ash was recommended by both Oak and Cerise to attend the school in Pokespain as a guest reseacher cum foreign exchange student for a...
  2. Kanethedragon

    Mythical Pokémon and You! What should we see going forward?

    Hey there guys, been a while since I’ve been around. I also apologize in advance to any mods out there if this isn’t the appropriate place to discuss this and feel free to do as you see fit with the thread if it breaks guidelines. Anyways, I decided to come to this topic today after watching a...
  3. T

    If people hate the Pokémon anime so much, why do they keep watching it?

    I see a lot of Pokémon fans complaining in the comment sections of videos such as these And I notice a lot of people saying that Ash needs to be replaced, he needs to age, and that the anime is ****. I myself dislike it as well and quit watching years ago. But if these people hate the anime...