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  1. R3i

    FT: Best IV Pichu w/Pokerus & mint LF: best IV Alolan Raichu

    FT: Pichu static ability w/best iv, POKERUS & mint or any element stone LF: NO HACK Lv 15-20 Alolan Raichu w/best IV nicknamed: Nalu
  2. C

    Looking for Prankster Sableye!

    In return, I have: A 6IV Honedge with No Guard A 5IV Flash Fire Japanese Vulpix A 5IV Female Salandit A 5IV Goomy A 5IV Deino A 5IV Feebas A 5IV Dedenne And a bunch of Pokerus mons! The Sableye doesn't have to have any specific IVs or natures, I'm just looking for one with the Prankster...
  3. R3i

    FT: POKERUS Pokemon LF: Ditto

    LF: non american 5 or 6 Iv ditto FT: american 4 Iv ditto & pokemon (random or your choice) w/POKERUS
  4. NovaBrunswick

    Have you ever encountered Pokérus?

    Pokérus is a virus that Pokémon can sometimes catch. Unlike real-life viruses, however, Pokérus is actually a good thing, and it can help your Pokémon grow stronger and more powerful. Like real viruses, it can spread from Pokémon to Pokémon, and it goes away after a few days. Have you ever had...
  5. I

    Looking for a 6iv ditto for a legendary with pokérus

    Hello! I'm looking for a 6IV non-English ditto. I am offering one of the following: A shiny gyarados with pokérus A zekrom with pokérus A celebi with pokérus A cosmog with pokérus A kyurem with pokérus A Solgaleo with pokérus A lunala with pokérus A Necrozma with pokérus A 4IV english ditto...
  6. M

    N E 1 need pokerus pokemon? looking to trade?

    I have some pokerus pokemon that i just contaminated i am looking to complete my dex will give pokerus pokemon to trade for sheild exclusives that i still cant get will trade them back to just need the shiny charm. will trade u my legendary for yours then trade back if you want.
  7. Terioun

    Trading Pokerus!!

    Let me know what you'd like, post here or DM! :D
  8. J

    Game Help - Pokemon with Pokerus in ORAS?

    Hey looking to make by breeding and EV training easier and need a Pokemon with Pokerus? Willing to trade legendaries and starters. Also got some LV 100 Linoones and Lillipups with Pickup.