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  1. FakeHeteroFakemon

    Making a Midwest Fakemon region

    I have been wanting/trying to make my own fakemon region for a while now but have been running into a lot of inspiration and balancing issues. So I turned to anyone reading this willing to help. If anyone so chooses to help, maybe a few of my current concepts and ideas could help narrow or even...
  2. NovaBrunswick

    Which region had the best Gym Leaders?

    Every region in the Pokémon world has their own set of Gym Leaders. Which ones do you think were the best, either personality-wise, team-wise or challenge-wise? (I'm not including Alola since it doesn't have Gyms.) Here's my personal ranking of best to not-so-good: Galar Unova Sinnoh Hoenn...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    Which region did you start your Pokémon journey in?

    We've all started our journey with the Pokémon games somewhere. Where did you start yours? I started my journey in Johto with Silver. Kanto is also visit-able in that game, so you could say I technically started in Kanto as well.
  4. NovaBrunswick

    Real-world places you’d like to see as Pokémon regions

    So far, the Pokémon world has seven known regions, all based on a place in the real world: Kanto - Kanto region (Japan) Johto - Kansai region (Japan) Hoenn - Kyushu region (Japan) Sinnoh - Hokkaido region (Japan) Unova - New York (USA) Kalos - Paris (France) Alola - Hawaii (USA) Galar -...
  5. NovaBrunswick

    Which region is most like where you live?

    All the regions in the Pokémon world have their basis on a place in the real world. Unova is inspired by New York, Kalos is inspired by France, Alola is inspired by Hawaii, etc. But have you ever thought about the place you live and how it would match up with the regions? As an example, I live...