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science fiction

  1. H

    The Physiology of Pokémon: Fennekin

    I wrote a science fiction esque description of my favourite Pokemon, Fennekin, trying to explain their appearance and the Pokedex entries and other lore surrounding them in a sciencey way. I might write these for other Pokemon if there is enough interest. Please let me know what you think! The...
  2. H

    Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Protectors of Time

    This is a science fiction Pokemon Mystery Dungeon fanfiction based on a future hundreds of years after the events in the Explorers series. Note that it contains spoilers for the Explorers series. I would greatly appreciate any feedback you may have. Summary Kira the Fennekin is a temporal...
  3. H

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Temporal Observatory

    This is my first time making a public roleplay, so I may not be familiar with all the rules and conventions. Please point out where I can improve! This roleplay takes place roughly 300 years in the future after the events in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers series, where the world has a...
  4. H

    Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Temporal Observatory

    This is my first time making a public roleplay, so I may not be familiar with all the rules and conventions. Please point out where I can improve! This roleplay takes place roughly 300 years in the future after the events in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers series, where the world has a...