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  1. Sightless

    LF: 5/6, 6/6 Non English Ditto FT: Shiny Fuecoco (Great)

    As the title says, I'm looking for a perf base non english ditto but I will settle for 5/6 too if needed. The shiny Fuecoco is english, and best in: HP, Defense, Speed, Sp Def. can be ev trained/hyper trained if needed for a perf ditto exchange. Feel free to comment or message! : )
  2. SoulPKMN

    Trading 5 IV Ditto w/ "Pretty good" IVs in HP

    I have a Ditto with perfect IVs in everything but HP which in that stat it is "Pretty good". Looking for a similar Ditto from another region to start trying the Masuda method. I'm American so anything not English will do.
  3. lunistg

    Looking for Unown, lots to trade
