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  1. Shadow_Trainer

    Looking 4 Koraidon

    LF: Koraidon FT: (All shiny) Tatsugiri, Kingra, Drapion, Talonflame, Absol, Jumpluff, Tsareena, Samurott, Roserade
  2. Blue & Pink Playthroughs

    Pokémon Co-op Playthrough (Shiny Nuzlocke) 60 FPS

    Hi friends! We'd like to share the first episode of our co-op run of Pokémon Emerald with you all :) The rule we've set for ourselves is that we can only catch Shiny Pokémon (settings adjusted to make it feasible) it's been flippin' funny so far xD Keen to see if anyone else finds this idea...