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shiny let's go

  1. Omega_will

    Shiny Hunting is broken (in a bad way)

    so I put this game down a couple of years ago because I was searching for a dratini, and I lost the love for shiny hunting after never making it to a 31 combo with dratini. Now back after so many years and I made it to the 31 combo, using lures and having a shiny charm. I've now racked up about...
  2. Emboar_Rulez

    Shiny Haunter Trade Help

    hi I currently shiny hunted for a gastly and evolved it into Haunter but I need to help to get a Gengar.Plz do not steal him if I trade you him thanks :)
  3. P

    Shiny pokedex on pokemon let's go

    Hi everyone, if you want to complete your shiny dex, send me a mail to tonydepablo@hotmail.fr I have all shiny you need :)