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slice of life

  1. NebulaDreams

    A Lizard in the Garden (TCATS One-Shot)

    Hello! I decided to bash out a quick 2k word story based on an idea I had about a couple of the side characters in The Curious and the Shiny! I thought I'd post it separately from that thread since it focuses on a minor character that's very non-essential to the story. Reading TCATS beforehand...
  2. NebulaDreams

    Outside the Frame (One-Shot) [FOLLOW-UP INCOMING]

    Author’s Notes: Hey, Neb here! I’m pleased to bring you all a brand new one-shot, that serves as a standalone from the main story of TCATS, but still takes place in that universe, with some cameos at the end. If it hasn’t become apparent yet, this story was inspired by the chatlog format...
  3. NebulaDreams

    The Curious and the Shiny: New Game Plus [The Manifold Curiosity]

    Accolades: 2018 Serebii Fanfiction Forum Awards Won: Best Pokémon Chaptered Fic (Established Author) Best Character Dynamic - Curio and Shine Best Pokémon-Centric Nominated: Best Plot Best Setting Funniest Character - Curio Hello, dear readers. As you can see, this is a new version of The...
  4. NebulaDreams

    The Curious and the Shiny (OLD VERSION) [The Manifold Curiosity]

    Hello again, it's been a few months since my last fic (Deli's Delivery Service) and I've been working on this one even before I started writing that fic, all the way back in November. I've been sitting on this project for a while and now I'm starting to get all of my chapters so far redrafted...