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soul silver

  1. E

    Leaf Crown Glitch in Gen 4 (Heartgold Specifically)

    Sorry I have to post this in this sub-forum but I'm told I don't have posting privileges in the relevant forum. If mods would like to move it to the correct forum please do so. This was the only forum I could find that I can post in. My issue is this: I spent all day getting 5 shiny leafs and...
  2. M

    Pal Park Migration & trading - Region questions

    Hey all! I have one question regarding my plan to play all the games and trade everything to the pokebank. TLDR: Can I use an EUROPEAN emerald and a US Soul Silver for the Pal Park migration? And Can I trade between a US White 2 and EU Black 2 Game or US Soul Silver and EU Heart Gold? I Play...
  3. melting moltress

    HG/SS daily & weekly events Map!

    i.imgur.com/ENJdEGY.jpg heya this map will show simply and easily every daily/weekly event you can do in hg/ss games and lets you to navigate through events more faster than bidoof navigates to oran berry. how to use map: 1. ask your mum what day is today 2. find the day in image 3. follow the...