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starter pokemon

  1. M

    Trading quaxly

    FT: Quaxly (freshly hatched) LF: fuecoco
  2. V

    Most popular starters list!

    These are my guesses for the most popular starters for each region! Did I get any wrong? Link for the image that features the starters:
  3. O

    I still can't decide which starter to go for.

    What a bummer. I am on my third playthrough and every time i'm about to pick a starter it's a moral battle. What I prize over pure power is versatility. What do you guys suggest? I went with Sobble the first time and Scorbunny the second. why you picked a certain starter and not the other?
  4. NovaBrunswick

    Which Johto starter did you choose?

    Which starter did you choose for your adventures in Johto? You can include HG/SS too. I had Totodile in the original Silver and Chikorita in SS. I didn't choose Totodile, however; the game had previously belonged to my cousin, so Chikorita was the first Johto starter I chose myself.