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  1. The Teller

    Chicago Wildlife

    Hey y'all! *crickets* I'm working on a new story for Camp NaNoWriMo, so I decided to put it up here as well to see how people like it. It's all one short story (my set goal is 10,000 words), but I'll divide it up into chunks and put those up in posts. The story is still being written. It's...
  2. VampirateMace

    Titans: Control Freak's Island Paradise (SU - Rated R)

    Rating: This RP is rated R, for the possibility of violence, death, swearing, and other 'mature' subject matter. RP Thread: https://forums.serebii.net/threads/titans-control-freaks-island-paradise-rp-rated-r.663270/ Discord discussion: Here Note: This RP takes place after “Control Freaks...