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trade partner

  1. A

    LF: Shield exclusive Pokémon FT: Sword exclusive Pokémon

    Hello! I'm trying to finish my Pokédex and I'm look0ng for the following Pokémon: Spritzee w/Sachet (I'll give another Sachet after the trade, so you don't have to waste one). Croagunk Vullaby Shelmet to trade with Karrablast and trade back. Sableye Oranguru Drampa Lunatone Zamazenta (only...
  2. Evilalice

    LF: someone to help me evolve machoke and kadabra

    would anyone be able to give me a hand evolving my kadabra and machoke as they both need to be traded to evolve.. machamp and alakazam are the last two i need to complete my pokedex in lets go eevee.
  3. G

    Looking for Trade Partner

    I want to trade and trade back the trade-evolve monsters. I can also offer any version exclusives from either game. Discord is under the name gundumgrrl or reply here. Thanks
  4. J

    Pokemon let's go Eevee player looking for partner for trade exclusives

    Need help evolving some trade only exclusive pokemon