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  1. Mickmon95

    [SU]The Legend of Sparx[SU][R] - [CLOSED]

    The Legend of Sparx: Plot: The legend of Sparx dates back thousands of years in what we now know as the Orre region. This island floated over a luscious and bountiful valley full of flowers that is now nothing but sand. Sparx was home to many people and Pokémon who lived side by side as...
  2. Lord Godwin

    If instead of Master 8 there would've been a master 16 or 32 instead

    So Let's imagine the last level of the PWT is Master 16 or even Master 32 and we are still getting it in a form of an Tournament who would you want to see there? As a bonus you can write some fun Match-ups that you would see working here. So I put together how I would play with a Master 32...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    Did you ever try to catch another trainer's Pokémon?

    Theft is a crime - even in Pokémon. There's a reason why you can't catch other people's Pokémon; they were caught by that person, and you can't go around like Team Rocket stealing what's rightfully theirs. However, some of us have tried it anyway, and even succeeded (with a cheat). Did you...
  4. Genaller

    Pokémon Anime Battle Ratings Thread

    Hey Everyone, This is a thread where people can discuss the general quality of battles in the Pokémon anime relative to other battles in the Pokémon anime. You can also give ratings for battles in order to give a better idea as to which battle you consider better than which (this part is...
  5. Genaller

    Johto League Silver Conference vs Hoenn League Evergrande Conference

    Which League did you think was better between these 2? For me it’s the JL all the way. Ash vs Gary was the culimination of the series’s OG rivalry and every battle from the 3 vs 3s onward were a treat. The HL has more quantity including battles for Morrison and Tyson though several of the...
  6. Genaller

    Which Battle Had The Highest Stakes For Ash?

    Basically which battle did Ash at the time of said battle consider the “biggest deal”? Note that I’m not asking which of his battles do you personally consider to have the highest stakes, but rather which 1 would Ash himself consider to have the highest stakes. Please let me know if you need...
  7. Genaller

    Ash's GOAT Performance As A Trainer!

    Greatest Performance Of Ash’s Life; SL Paul or KL Alain!!!??? Positive Feats: — SL Paul - Sswitched Pikachu out in order to reset his special defense which was lowered by Aggron's Metal Sound (basically a nod to how stat changes in-game are reset when the Pokemon switches out) - Had...
  8. Genaller

    Most Skilled Battler V3

    So a while ago PBF made polls regarding which (non-GL/FB/E4/RC) onscreen trainer is the most skilled. The first one was pretty much turning into another DP Ash vs XY Ash poll, so he made a 2nd 1 excluding any variant of Ash where Paul (rightfully) won by an landslide. I think it would be...