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tv shows

  1. NovaBrunswick

    Pokémon-ify a Movie or TV Show Title

    A simple game: just replace some words in a movie or TV show title with the names of Pokémon, or place names in the Pokémon world! Here's some examples: Who Framed Roger Raboot? (Who Framed Roger Rabbit?) Totodile Dundee (Crocodile Dundee) Dances with Lycanroc (Dances with Wolves) The Delphox...
  2. NovaBrunswick

    Movies/TV shows that scared you when you were little

    We all have that one movie or TV show that scared us when we were kids. Maybe it was accidental, or maybe you wanted to be brave out of morbid curiosity. Whatever it was, they gave us nightmares for days on end. Here’s some of the movies and TV shows that scared me when I was younger: Don’t...
  3. NovaBrunswick

    Pokémon equivalents of popular TV shows/movies

    While I was talking on the Serebii Discord server, I had some thoughts: what would some popular real-world TV shows and movies be called and be about in the Pokémon world? I’ve already thought of a few: Hawaii Five-0 = Alola Five-0. It’d be a bunch of Officer Jennys riding on speedboats with...