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ultra sun and moon

  1. 3laynena

    What's the best gen VII shiny?

    Help me out by suggesting what i should shiny hunt next in USUM lol. Personally I love decidueye, nihilego and mimikyu's shinies the most but I'm curious as to what other people think.
  2. V

    When will this stupid curse end for me?

    Why is it that every pokemon I adore gets a ton of hate from a majority of pokemon fans? This has been going on for years and it will never stop :( Here are some pokemon I adore: gen 8: Scobunny, Raboot, Cinderace, Drizzile, Greedent, Appletun, Low key Toxtricity, Perrserker, Morpeko, male...
  3. jensvanderlugt

    Looking for female Own Tempo Rockruff

    Hi everybody, I just picked up Ultra Sun and I obviously missed the Own Tempo Rockruff event. Anyone out there willing to breed or has a spare female Rockruff for me? Don't care about egg moves, IV's, etc. Thanks in advance!
  4. Y

    USUM super music collection?

    Ive just been wondering if there has been any plans by gamefreak to release an USUM super music collection, as there is a lot of music in the game that isn't in regular sun and moon, and all there is out there are gamerips with the sound effects included.