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unpopular opinions

  1. Nate Joy

    A discussion on the male MC of Pokemon Black 2 and Pokemon White 2, Nate

    Hello, as you beautiful can see we are talking about the Pokemon Character Nate. Pacifically on the fact that, Do you guys hate him or Do you guys love him? I just love him but I want to know about you Guys and Girls. And can you tell me why? Oh yes, I would also like to know why is Rosa more...
  2. SerGoldenhandtheJust

    What are your unpopular opinions about the anime?

    So if the title feels similar, it's because it is @Sham 's Hot takes post got locked, likely coz of all the end bickering that started happening, but the concept of the thread they created itself is interesting so here's a spiritual successor to it, keep it civil and within the rules this time...