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  1. A

    LF battle ready VGC 2023 Regulation C pokemon

    along these lines or similar, please pm me for a trade Tatsugiri @ Toxic Orb Ability: Commander Level: 50 Tera Type: Grass EVs: 4 HP / 252 SpA / 252 Spe Timid Nature IVs: 0 Atk - Endure - Protect - Draco Meteor - Muddy Water Dondozo @ Leftovers Ability: Unaware Level...
  2. T-imotep

    VGC and Hacked Pokemon

    Hi everyone! I'm looking for answers that I cannot find anywhere. Hope you could help me! Official rules of VGC: 4.1. Illegally Manipulated Pokemon o The use of external devices, such as a mobile app, to modify or create items or Pokemon in a player’s Battle Box is expressly forbidden. Players...
  3. DragonScale

    The most likely remaining pokemon for the Galar regional dex

    https://www.serebii.net/swordshield/galarpokedex.shtml They're like because A) They fit the region and make sense B) They're a counterpart of a already confirmed pokemon C) They're a fan-favorite D) The species said pokemon is based on is native to europe, let alone, UK Venusaur Blastoise...